With a lot of hype and a lot of people working to find the great new way to achieve any kind of success in the
Category: Business Idea
Career Guidance and Career Advice for Graduates
What career guidance or career advice would you give to somebody that really hasn’t a clue as to what career they would like to pursue?
3 Small Business Ideas For Women
Starting your own small business can very exciting and scary, but the risk is worth the reward. For women with children this can seem daunting
Having a Good Reference Can Make Or Break You
One very important decision in the job application process is who to use for your professional references. What job seekers often forget is that the
Career Planning in the Developing Countries
Selecting a career is an uphill task and most crucial decision in ones life. Occupation of a profession of a person determines his mode of
Cover Letter Advice – Don’t Just Simply Apply Them – Some Good, Some Bad
By far, the most useful and practical cover letter advice that can be given to any job seeker would be; knowing the particular company that
What Employers Really Look For When Hiring a College Graduate in 2009
Even though we are in a recession; the war for talent still exists. Now more than ever employers are looking even more closely for individuals
3 Simple Steps For Coming Up With 100 Unique Business Ideas
In my last article I talked about how an idea is not going to make a business. I said what’s important is who is behind
Business Ideas With Low Investment
What are the best business ideas with low investment? This is one of the most common questions among entrepreneurs who seek to start various businesses.
Business Funding with Business Grants
The definition of a business grant is broken down as a sum of money that is given to an individual or business for a specific