May 3, 2024


Passion For Business

How to Stay Motivated in Your Job Search

How to stay motivated during your job search - Hays Viewpoint Viewpoint –  careers advice blog

Looking for a job can feel overwhelming, but there are ways to make it feel easier. 

There are many steps to go through, including resume editing, lengthy applications, interviews, and follow-up interviews. 

For individuals with disability, injuries or illnesses, the job search can be even more demanding. 

However, with the right support and strategies in place, you can maintain a healthy outlook and a glass-half-full level of motivation to keep up with the search and find a fulfilling job. 

We have gathered our top pieces of job-search advice so that you can stay motivated throughout the process. 

Outline clear goals

With more overwhelming tasks, like that of seeking a job, it can make things easier to establish clear goals. 

By putting in writing exactly what you want to achieve, you will have an easier time staying focused and motivated. 

Make sure your goals are specific and achievable so as not to have vague goalposts or become disheartened if your goals are too demanding. 

We recommend breaking down your goals into smaller tasks. 

For example, you may aim to: 

  • Update your resume to reflect your latest experience and achievements
  • Reach out to a certain number of potential employers
  • Attend networking events 
  • Hand in physical resumes to local stores
  • Develop new skills that could benefit your future employment

Make sure you celebrate all of the little wins and feel a sense of pride as you make your way through your goals. 

Reach out to a disability employment support service 

If you feel as though you could benefit from a little extra support, reaching out to a disability employment support company is a wise idea. 

These companies can provide valuable assistance during your job search and continue to support you within the workplace once you have secured a role. 

These services offer personalised advice, job redesign strategies to ensure your comfort in the workplace, access to assistive technologies and help to secure funds for reasonable workplace modification to help you to find and maintain suitable employment. 

Utilising disability employment support can help increase your chances of finding a job that matches your skill set and personal needs. 

Make sure you stay organised

By keeping track of your job search progress, you will be able to stay more motivated and identify areas for improvement. 

It’s a wise idea to create a system to document your job applications, any follow-up efforts you made, and any feedback you have received from potential employers. 

By organising this information, you can evaluate your strategies and implement any necessary changes to improve your job search efforts. 


Getting out and about and connecting with others is a great way to find job opportunities.

Attending industry events or joining online groups or forums are good ways to connect with both other job seekers and potential employers. 

Hearing about the experiences of others can provide valuable insights as well as support and encouragement. 

Maintain a positive mindset

Easier said than done, no doubt, but keeping a positive outlook and attitude is essential to staying motivated during your job search. 

It can be tricky to stay positive when going through the ups and downs of a job search.

Remember to focus on your strengths, achievements and the progress you’ve made rather than focusing on what didn’t go well. 

Setbacks are a very normal part of any job search process, so remember to be kind to yourself. 

Focus on self-care

When life is busy, neglecting important things like self-care can be easy. 

But these are the times when self-care is more important than ever. 

Taking care of both your physical and mental health is an important aspect of staying motivated during your job search. 

So keep up with your usual activities, ensuring you are eating well, exercising, sleeping properly and engaging in activities you enjoy. 

Reach out for additional support 

You don’t have to do everything on your own. 

If you are struggling with your job search or feeling overwhelmed with all the moving parts, you can get additional support. 

While there is always the option to reach out for advice from family or friends, we recommend reaching out to a disability employment service for more in-depth help. 

You will be unstoppable with a team of professionals ready to assist you in your job search. 

You may also be eligible for government funding to receive help in finding and keeping support, including making changes to the workplace for your comfort. 

Remember, a job search is a journey, and while there may be bumps in the road.

It’s important to stay positive, patient and persistent, as well as leverage the available resources to help find the right job for you. 

The right job is out there waiting for you – it’s just a matter of time, maintaining motivation and reaching out for help if you need it before everything falls into place.